Google Blog Search

Google has just announced their beta service, Google Blog Search. If I were a tech journalist, I'd be watching the evolution of this service very closely. And its not because this service happens to have the a capital "B" buzzword in it.

Now the first thing I noticed about google Blog Search was how badly the orange they used clashed with their fugly logo (their logo has a drop shadow, for f#ck's sake!). After my initial wave of nausea receeded, however, I began to take a closer look. There are more than a few things that set this service apart from google's regular search.

  • This appears to already be the quickest and most comprehensive blog search available.
  • You can subscribe to an RSS feed for any search!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Google Blogs appears to index any RSS feed or blog that pings Once it indexs a feed, it Monitors and collects posts, as opposed to sending out spiders. Thanks to RSS, google is able to return results in significantly less time than its regular search.
  • Google, specifically, is beginning to take full advantage of the structered data within RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. In otherwords, it will find posts within a given date range with dramatically higher accuracy.

Overall, Google Blogs receives 5 stars from me. In otherwords, I will be using this service everyday, from now on.