
The ScratchPad

This site is one of my favorite timewasters. Its called "The Scratch Pad"... Basically, the idea is that you can draw on a page, and so can anyone else, the results are spontanious, and often Picasso-esque, as is seen below from one of my sessions:

Has Google Passed Out?

I didn't even know it was possible, but google appears to have temporarily died... What an altogether odd quasi-noteworthy-like event...

The Internet: 30 years in the Making

"Since its inception almost 30 years ago, the internet has been transformed from a primitive device for sharing thoughts and ideas, into a massive network where people pay to connect and read advertisements they don't want, while calling each other 'asshats'."

-The Lemon: The History of the Internet

Google's Trifecta of Web Domination Nearly Complete

"If knowledge is power, then the Google Web Accelerator completes the trifecta of web domination:

  • Through its continued dominance in search, Google knows what people are looking for.
  • Through the Urchin acquisition, they know what people are buying and how they are converting.
  • Through the GWA, Google knows where people are going on the web.

If adoption of each product is successful (and its well on its way), Google will soon have the most comprehensive, complete understanding of user behavior the Internet Economy has ever seen...the modern-day successor to the Roman Empire."

-Prashant Desai quoted in SearchViews

SEO forums on Guerrilla Spam

Interesting conversation going on at SEO forums about my Guerrilla spam post....

Tas vs. Goofball: Privacy Concerns & Online Tracking

Tas at Loaded Mouth attempts to clear up some misunderstandings concerning, online privacy and hit-trackers. I've reformated these excerpts into a script format for the sake of readibility. Now, observe as Tas crushes goofball using solar-lunar stance.


Goofball: I do have a problem turning over my [IP] address or being followed around the web after I visit a site.

Netscape 8.0 Beta

Netscape's new browser rocks. Its still in beta, but I haven't had any problems with it. (Besides the bizarre way it just displayed the javascript "add a new link" dialogue. How Ironic.)Anyway, its features are excellent. It can read pages like IE explorer, or Firefox, if you want. I haven't yet tested out its CSS capabilities. But I will soon get to that. Oh, and I've never seen a browser with such great visual aesthetics. Now go away, I'm busy.

How you know you're done....

"When the final design seems too simple for the amount of work you've put in, then you know you're done" -Brady Clark

On Leave

Important Contract pending... Out of Blog til' tomorrow.

Towards an International Online Bill of Rights

The five recommendations of Reporters Without Borders about freedom of expression on the Internet:

  1. Any law about the flow of information online must be anchored in freedom of expression as defined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  2. Internet users alone must decide what material they can and wish to access online. Automatic filtering of online content, by governments or private firms, is unacceptable.


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