
Burning One's Ships

David Weinberger has posted a rather alarming piece of information: A Boston Globe article entitled "It's the 'pure entrepreneur' who often leads the way". Now, the reader might be wondering why I would find such an article alarming... Well, firstly, because I've taken a bet, and dropped out of college this semester. The reason being that I didn't want to miss the unusual opportunities of these times. A semester of college would literally mean that thousands of people would shoot ahead of me in terms of their ideas and knowledge -- and we can't have that. So every time an article like that gets published, I know that a few more people are going to become convinced, like me, that it's now or never if you are going to try to catch this approaching wave. In other words, thanks for the additional competition, Boston Globe.

The Living Web

Those who attempt to predict the future generally fall under one of four categories: Technologists, Spiritualists, Futurists, and Historians. The Technologists are opitimized by people like Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. Technologists are interested in buzzwords, and “killer apps”; they don’t so much predict the future, as much as they attempt to invent it. They enjoy making far reaching claims such as “by 2012, the Home Entertainment Center will be fully controlled by the Personal Computer.” So here at the beginning I tell the reader not to worry: I’m no technologist.Then there are the Spiritualists. Their predictions are usually based upon an eclectic mixture of metaphysical energies that are focused through crystals, and directed towards the third eye of a psychic. The psychic has a “vision” which provides an astrologer with a “key” to read the stars. The astrologer then reports his findings to a guru who in turn informs the public of “the approaching age of Aquarius”. I never went to wizard school, so I’m not qualified to give such predictions.The more scientific cousins of the spiritualists are the futurists. When the futurists aren’t attending their weekly Klingon classe, or preparing their Borg costume for the next Star Trek Convention; they will be found creating technologically advanced nowhere lands. However, this group has lost considerable authority since the building of space needles at world fairs went out of style.


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