I Can't Believe I'm Saying This...

I respect President Bush for his actions in the face our countries worst financial crisis since the great depression. Ironically, a part of me feels he'll leave office as a battered, but incredibly wise man -- one who may go on to great things like Carter...

In a way, I've made peace with him. [ but fuck McCain/Palin ]

Blame the tax cuts

That's not a line that would get me into political office.
Yet, I think tax cuts are overrated, and should share quite a bit of blame for where our Economy is at. (Now, if you make 10,000-500,000 a year, I think you need a bigger tax cut! lets get that out of the way...)
Most of the money that's escaped the United States treasury via tax cuts has gone to those "Lizard people" with McMansions. You know, the people who if you talk to at a party, but they feel uncomfortable, and seem to think "why is this middle class pleb attempting to converse with me?"*

OMG. My Hero

HTML 5's Timetable to reach “Proposed Recommendation” stage in 2022

Jeff Croft puts the outrage every web developer feels best.

I care about right fucking now. My clients care about right fucking now. Our users care about right fucking now. The only people that really give a damn about two thousand twenty two are people who write timetables for a living.

Dear Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman, you're a classic Benedict Arnold: A short sighted, self-seeking traitor.

I hope you are retiring, because you are nothing but a sideshow to Republicans.
And democrats will never forgive you.
I think you deserve respect from neither - I certainly wouldn't trust you if I were a republican.

Now go equivocate about an issue, or betray a large group of people who've supported you...
I can't think of anything else you're good at....

Quote of the Day: In Mother Russia, our Oil and Gas Drills You...

Palin’s nomination for vice president and her desire to allow drilling in the Alaskan wilderness “reminded me of a lunch I had three and half years ago with one of the Russian trade attachés,” global trade consultant Edward Goldberg said to me. “After much wine, this gentleman told me that his country was very pleased that the Bush administration wanted to drill in the Alaskan wilderness. In his opinion, the amount of product one could actually derive from there was negligible in terms of needs.

Defining "drupalism"

I seem to use the word “drupalism” in a pejorative way. Usually, to to describe anything that follows one of these drupaly anti-patterns:

Spot the political hack! : My New Favorite Game

I'm a masochist. I read the entire comment thread below this Washington Post article how Obama "really did" in his speech tonight. Having read through it, I found something odd...

Creating a Template File Via a Form Element

If there is one thing I hate more than breath and martial arts (all kinds...), its writing copy within a php array. So for a recent project that required text-heavy forms, and a bunch of emails, I created an element that mimics php template. The usage and theme function are rather simple: (and rather stolen from phptemplate_render().

Flordia as a Case Study in Rasing the Minimum Wage

I have this very strange -- apparently radical -- belief that the more money typical people have, the better the economy will function as whole. This has contrasted the United States' political leadership's view, which was "Give it all to Trevor McRichy -- he'll see it goes to good use, and he'll give you a great job later..." Frankly, that sounds more like a proposal from a con-artist, than sound government policy.


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